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Bowen Therapy


The Bowen Technique


The Bowen Technique is a gentle form of cellular memory of a preferred, relaxed, balanced way of wellbeing. The technique addresses not only the musculoskeletal framework but also the fascia, nerves and internal organs. The body's integrated response improves circulation and lymphatic drainage and aids assimilation of nutrients and elimination of toxins.  The Bowen technique addresses the entire body by restoring balance via the Autonomic Nervous System (ANS). The ANS controls over 80% of bodily functions and is very susceptible to external stressors. Most people today live in a constant state of high stress and sympathetic ANS over-stimulation (fight, flight or freeze mode). Healing can occur only after the ANS shifts from sympathetic to parasympathetic dominance (rest, relax and repair). 


Bowen Session


A typical Bowen Technique session generally lasts from 30 minutes to 1 hour. Clients usually lie on a massage/bodywork table or bed, or may be seated in a chair if required, for comfort. A 'session' involves one or more 'procedures', each of which consists of several sets of 'moves'. The moves are gentle, but purposeful, and can be done through light clothing. Between each set of moves, the practitioner pauses for as many minutes as are needed for the client's body to begin responding. As the nervous system begins to adjust the tension level in the muscles, the practitioner senses when the client is ready for the next set of moves.



How it works?


In addition to the rebalancing of the ANS, described earlier, Bowtech moves and procedures may reset the body to heal itself by activating, through the nervous and endocrine systems among others, the following mechanisms:


  • Stretch reflex: Most moves are done either at the origin, insertion or belly of muscles where receptors are located, informing the nervous system on the state of tension, length or stretch in the musculotendinous tissue. These receptors are stimulated during the 'challenge' and the 'rolling' part of the Bowen move which changes the stimulus received by the nervous system. 

  • Joint proprioceptors: All moves done around a joint directly affect the joint capsule and ligaments that are richly innervated with proprioceptors. 

  • Fascia: Each Bowen move is done at the level of the superficial fascia and affects the relationship between the fascia and the nerve, muscle or tendon being mobilized.  Following a Bowtech session, it is not uncommon to see adhesions loosen up, scar tissue soften, and posture and mobility improve without harsh mobilization or stretching.

  • Segmental nerves, viscerosomatic spinal reflexes:

  • Harmonic vibration or resonance model: Bowenwork moves set up vibrational patterns which bring the body back into balance and harmony.

  • Lymphatics: Some Bowtech procedures activate draining of the lymphatic system stimulating the immune system.

  • Detoxification is often initiated during a Bowen session, thereby improving the body's ability to function at a cellular level.





Some of the conditions that often respond favourably to Bowen are:


  • Back pain and sciatica

  • Digestive and bowel problems including IBS

  • Earache, ear infections and migraines

  • Fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome

  • Knee, ankle and foot problems

  • Menstrual and hormonal irregularities

  • Neck/shoulder problems including frozen shoulder

  • Groin pain, pelvic tilt and uneven leg length

  • Respiratory problems and hay fever

  • RSI, carpal tunnel syndrome and tennis elbow

  • Sports and accident injuries

  • Concussions 

  • Whiplash

  • Sprains





















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